History of Germany German Food Easy to Prenonce

How Long Does It Take To Learn German

Learning German can be a bit difficult, especially if you are a native of a language that doesn't belong to the Indo-European family of languages. But, no matter what your native language is, and even if German may seem tricky to you at first, don't get discouraged.

If you're wondering if there are any shortcuts or specific ways how to learn german, we have mentioned a few in this guide that will help you make progress faster. There is no fixed period of time that guarantees you will succeed in learning the German language, but what's most important is consistency. You're not going to wake up one morning and find yourself speaking fluent German.

That only happens in the movies. If you take just one step at a time, you'll see results happening fast. Learning a new language may take a different time depending on many factors like your prior experience and exposure to the language, your resilience, how much work you put into the learning process, motivation, and so on. But, if you practice on a daily basis for a period of at least three to six months, you'll probably be able to handle a daily conversation with a friend and doing things like getting into a cafe and making an order in German.

Some people struggle more than others and need more time to reach that level but that's mostly because they're not putting in the effort and practicing daily. If you want to speak German fluently, it's probably going to take a few years of practice, but we're just looking to get started, right?

How To Learn the German Language?

Here's how to learn the German language fast and easy:

  1. Find a strong reason that will keep you motivated.
  2. Learn all the fundamentals of the German language.
  3. Keep things interesting by learning slang, funny words, and idioms.
  4. Practice daily. If possible, talk with native German speakers.

People say it's all about mastering the basics. So, if you're wondering how to learn the German language if you're a complete beginner, we recommend you start with the alphabet. The German language has 26 letters, just like English. There are a few letters with pronunciation that doesn't exist in English: ä,ö,ü and β, but you won't find these letters in the Alphabet. Practice their correct pronunciation as this will help you adjust your accent significantly.

Alphabet Pronunciation Alphabet Pronunciation
A Ah N Enn
B Beh O Oh
C Tseh P Peh
D Deh Q Kuh
E Eh R Err
F Eff S Ess
G Geh T Teh
H Hah U Uh
I Ih V Fau
J Yott W Veh
K Kah X Iks
L Ell Y Ypsilon
M Emm Z Tzett

German Language Grammar

What makes a language look difficult to you? It's grammar, right? Grammar is usually a nightmare for all people planning to get into a new language, and it's not the case only with the German language. But, learn this part well and you'll be speaking German fluently in no time. German has six tenses: Prasens, Präteritum, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt, Futur I and Futur II.

  • Präsens relates to the Present tense in English,
  • Präteritum relates to Perfect tenses,
  • Plusquamperfekt relates to Past Perfect,
  • Futur I relates to the Future tense,
  • Futur II relates to the Future perfect plus "will" and "have".

This relation is not completely accurate, but looking at the tenses this way will make it easier for you to understand German grammar. They have four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive). Here is a tricky thing about German that many people mention often: the 16 forms that "the" of English takes on German in different cases and gender. German has three noun prepositions for each gender: die (for feminine nouns), der (for masculine nouns), and das (for neutral gender). With every new word that you learn in the German language, you must also learn what preposition needs to come in front of it. It may confuse you at first because sometimes a biological gender may not match its grammatical gender. However, there are some rules determining which noun gets which article with exceptions. There's no need to stress about this part too much. Although you have to memorize all of them mechanically, a huge part of this grammar fundamental will soon start making more sense to you.


Source: https://www.studying-in-germany.org/learn-german/

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